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Project CRNII-048
Tropical Cyclones: Current  Characteristics and Potential Changes Under a Warmer Climate
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Presentations 3
28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 28 April-2 May, Orlando, USA, 2008

  • Romero-Centeno, Rosario, Jorge Zavala-Hidalgo, and G. B. Raga: Characteristic patterns associated with atmospheric circulation changes over the Northeastern Tropical Pacific in summer. 
  • Raymond, David J., Jorge Cisneros, Sharon Sessions, Julio Marin, G. B. Raga and Zeljka Fuchs: Environmental Influences on the Spinup of Tropical Cyclones. (RaymondEtAl_talk.pdf)  

IAI Audit, November, 2007

Annual Meeting Unión Geofísica Mexicana (UGM), Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México, November, 2007

  • Sánchez Montante, O., G.B. Raga y J. Zavala-Hidalgo: Condiciones oceánicas superficiales asociadas a la ocurrencia de huracanes en el Pacífico Oriental. 
  • Romero-Centeno, R., J. Zavala-Hidalgo y G.B. Raga: Variabilidad de la circulación atmosférica sobre el Pacífico Tropical Nororiental y la precipitación en el Centro-Sur de México y Centroamérica en diferentes escalas de tiempo.

AGU Spring Meeting, Acapulco, México, May, 2007

During this meeting, Drs. Raymond, Shay, Zavala-Hidalgo and Binimelis de Raga organized the special session: “The Tropical East Pacific: A natural laboratory for coupled ocean-atmosphere research”, held on 21 and 22 May with a total of 22 papers on the topic.

Another special session was organized by R. Romero-Centeno and S. Curtis: “Mid-summer drought: Causes and implications”, held on 24 May, in which 13 presentations were scheduled.