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Presentations 1
Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, 12-15 April 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA
Coloquio Modelación del Clima, Retos y Oportunidades, 11-13 April, México, D.F., México
Taller de Meteorología Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM
- G. B. Raga: Ciclones Tropicales: Pasado, Presente y Futuro
29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA
- Oropeza, F. and G. B. Raga: Rapid deepening of tropical cyclones in the northeastern Tropical Pacific:The relationship with ocean eddies
Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, 14-18 April 2010, Washington, DC, USA
2010 Ocean Science Meeting, 22-26 February 2010. Portland, Oregon, USA